They are like any other Human being who wants to live a joyful life, read, visit places with their parents. Their parents wants their children to live a life that others do.
There is no cure for most of the disabilities but experts agree that the best way to manage symptoms and develop independence skill is through maintaining a support system by providing Therapies and Skill Developement program.
There are many Children and adults who are suffering from Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability but due to economical underprivileged background the gurdians are not being able to avail the Therapies, Special Education and Functional Skill development training. We have already provided support to many of them. More requests are already submitted. We need your support to provide them the immediate service recommended by their Doctor .
Our main objective is to serve humanity
We believe that Service to human is Service to God

Disability Awareness camp


Therapy of differently abled children

Vocational Training

Mental Awareness camp

Group counselling session

Individual counselling sessions

Stress release sessions

Loving one another
Helping Today. Helping Tommorow
Our vision is to promote mental health wellness, public health, education, and humanitarian and relief activities that will protect, safeguard, improve the quality and raise the standard of human life.
This is done particularly for children, women, mentally challenged, and weaker sections of the society, irrespective of cast creed, race color, sex or religion so that they may lead a healthy, happy contented and dignified life and encourage a healthy environment for all.
Support for underprivileged differently abled children
Let’s help by providing therapies and special education to the underprivileged differently abled children of Budgebudge, West Bengal
Help us to provide the utmost needed therapies and special education which will guide them in learning lifelong coping skills.
Let’s make it successful by donating the fees for Special Education & Therapy sessions
Mak Mallar in association with Mental Health And Wellness Trust

Why We Need You

Date: 24th July, 2022
Time: 10:00am - 1:00pm
Mental Health And Wellness Trust
For registration and further information contact
Phone number 9874894156
Email- Id mentalhealthandwellnesstrust@gmail.com Website: www.mentalhealthandwellnesstrust.com
The Projects we are implementing
Project Name - 'AMIGOS'
● Organizing Awareness Camps in the rural areas to create provide knowledge about the limitations and the support systems for differently-abled children.
● Providing Several therapeutic sessions to children with special needs with the help of our therapists / special educators and experts.
● Providing Online guidance to the parents of differently-abled children regarding parenting.
Several therapeutic session like Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Dance Movement Therapy, Music Therapy, Physiotherapy, Playbased intervention, Behavioural Modification, Special education, Parents Counselling etc to children with special needs

Why is it important for us to care for the differently-abled?
All human beings have something special within us and some weaknesses too, and so do specially-abled people. We as a society must help specially-abled people to focus on their strengths, instead of their weaknesses so that they can live their life in their way.
Parents are among the most important people in the lives of children and adults with special needs. It is very important and necessary for the Parents including mothers and fathers, as well as other caregivers who act as parents to know the proper way of parenting differently-abled children.
Project Name - 'SERENE'
● Offline Mental Health Awareness Camps at Organization, Schools, Colleges, Road sides, Cafeteria etc.
●Online positive mental health quotes / videos / Stories every day .
● Online/Offline Health Awareness discussions /videos/qoutes
● Online / Offline counselling Support provided by experts.
● Conducting stress relief programs Online / Schools, colleges, offices etc through Dance Movement Therapy/Music Therapy/Art Therapy/Psychotherapy etc.
● We are also running a Women's Magazine named 'Mohona'. Where the women are sharing their thoughts, moments, queries and answers on daily life related issues.

Targeted population:
- Parents/Care giver of children and adults with disabilities
- School and college students
- Patients with medical conditions
- People suffering from mental health-related issues.
Why our organization has also selected the internet as major media to support the targeted group:
• Increased Privacy.
• Safer Than in Person Sessions.
• No Commute & Easier on the Environment.
• More Flexibility.
• More Accessible.
• Increased Comfort.
• Greater Variety is Available.
• Can Be More Affordable.
• Young Generation is fond of using phones and the Internet
As per the condition of the patient our online counselor can suggest the patient offline counseling. In that case, we will arrange the session for the patient.
Why we have started this program?
Unfortunately, all of the excess stress can lead to an increase in weight. And whether the extra weight is a result of overeating and unhealthy food choices, or your body’s response to increased levels of cortisol, getting a handle on stress is a priority if you want to prevent stress-related weight gain or weight gain related stress.
In one research it is proven that stress not only slow down the metabolism, but the results also showed that stressed women had higher levels of insulin.
Among the way of loosing weight exercise is the most important thing which we all should follow .
Out Stress and obesity management program 'Serene' will help you to calm down and acheive a peaceful state of mind which will motivate us to do physical exercise and control the urge of eating heavy calorie junk food.

We will also share weight loss tips with you.
Listen, Act, Learn. Repeat
kids need help
raised now
Mental Support for Children
Our vision is to promote mental health wellness, public health, education, humanitarian and relief activities that will protect, safeguard, improve the quality and raise the standard of human life, particularly children, women, mentally challenged and weaker sections of the society, irrespective of cast creed , race colour, sex or religion so that they may lead healthy , happy contented and dignified life and encourage a healthy environment for all.
We try to provide the best mental health support system
We empathise with all human beings
We collaborate with colleagues and partner to strengthen the impact and to provide the support to the maximum amount of people
We engage with everyone honestly and with good faith.
We strive to make people feel safe, empowered and respected
We are working to create a blissfull world
Watch Video
What People Say About Our Company
We continually experiment. We fail quickly and productively. We use data and feedback to guide our course.
“ভাল আছি। ও তাই ? বলছেন এই ভয়াবহ ঝুঠ ।মনকে ঠকাবেন না। মন হল পাগল। আর এই পাগলামোটা মাত্রায় গাঁথে mental health and wellness trust.Be with them for all who need help..”

Studied at R.G. Kar medical college and hospital. Work at HelpAge India“Mental health and wellness trust has really inspired me to contribute to the society. I feel proud to be associated with this trust and contribute a bit to the wellbeing of the society.”

Yogesh Mishra
Assistant Professor of Law, KIIT University. .“This organization is doing really well for the people in need. This organization is constantly giving their efforts for reaching out to the people in need, by giving online therapy sessions, conducting campaigns.”

Debalina Sengupta
Assistant professor, Rabindra siksha sammillani Law college.“This organization is working for poor people suffering from various form of mental disablements. I myself being a big admirer of the organization and Ms. Debosmita wish more good works to come from them.”

Dr. Satabdi Mitra
Collaborated with
Mental Health And Wellness Trust

Art and culture of a nation represents set of shared values, attitudes, goal and practices.Both Art & Culture are two wonderful ways of preserving or strengthening a strong community’s sense of place, forging a personal identity, and showing your creativity. Art & Culture boast multiple opportunities for learning, entertainment, leisure, personal growth, and improving communication with others.
Extracurricular activities provide a channel for reinforcing the lessons learned in the classroom, offering students the opportunity to apply academic skills in a real-world context, and are thus considered part of a well-rounded education.Extracurricular activities encourage children to bring out their talent in the limelight and give it wings in the right direction.

We have started our new project ‘OUR ART AND CULTURE’ in hope of spreading the wellness of Art forms among the students, the future of our nation, for brighter, happier and exploring mind.
Read Our Latest Magazine
Few Glimpses of Therapy and Special Education sessions

Our Sessions

Glimpses of Projects

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